Advertising Agency Wordpress Theme - Genis

Advertising Agency Wordpress Theme - Genis
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Genis Coporate Wordpress Theme is really a new theme for business portfolio. It's also appropriate for other organizations, for example school or community. Design is just on black and whitened, which minimize all distractive and picky pattern and textures.

Database is found in dropdown menu that have limitless capability to create groups for the works. A sizable-size slideshow with very impressive transitions in addition to visual effect, which offer significant information amaze people initial once they arrived at the web site. Your portfolio are put in an attractive position where's easy to understand and everyone could possibly get in it easily. Also, it's integrated with tab effects which let you classify your portfolio in lots of sections without playing in the website. Breadcrumbs trail shows groups track, so it is quite simple to return because they desire.

Theme Specifications
WordPress version compatibility3.5
Key phraseswordpress creative theme, wordpress business theme, wordpress showcase theme, wordpress slideshow theme, wordpress miscellaneous theme, wordpress coporate theme

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