Pluto may be the Wordpress theme for Coffee shop and Restaurant constructed with latest Wordpress features. Custom Publish Type, Skins &lifier Colors, Extensive admin panel etc.
Note: This theme is fully driven by AJAX and never support custom permalink
= V1. - 12.09.2011 =
* Initial Release
= V1.1 - 15.09.2011 =
* Add video background choice for home page
= V1.2 - 18.09.2011 =
* Fixed some HTML elements display problem.
= V1.3 - 04.10.2011 =
* Fixed menu image display problem.
= V1.4 - 13.10.2011 =
* Fixed translation po file problem.
= V1.5 - 14.10.2011 =
* Fixed tweet button problem on weblog.
= V1.6 - 15.02.2012 =
* Fixed Wordpress 3.3 close button problem on some page
= V1.7 - 20.02.2012 =
* Fixed contact page problem on some server setting.
* Fixed menu display problem on new edition of Chrome.
= V1.7.1 - 16.05.2012 =
* Fix slideshow problem when enter special figures to image title and outline
= V1.7.3 - 29.05.2012 =
* Fix home page content alignment problem on transparent skin
= V1.8 - 18.06.2012 =
* Fix gallery problem using blogging platforms 3.4
= V1.9 - 09.08.2012 =
* Remove theme store option
= V2. - 12.12.2012 =
* Fix problem using blogging platforms 3.5
= V2.1 - 13.02.2013 =
* Remove timthumb from theme package
= V2.1.1 - 28.02.2013 =
* Fix home page nivo slider image problem
- 3 Skins transparent, light or dark
- Drag &lifier drop Home page Contents Manager. Control and order which prepared to display on home page from Admin panel
- Fullscreen image gallery to showcase your restaurant photos
- Choose from 7 slideshow effects
- Fully AJAX driven with sliding content effect
- Translation ready with po, mo files support
- Food menus and groups support
- Awesome jQuery Nivoslider for home page slider
- Upload your logo design and favicon
- Image Gallery with uploader support multiple images upload
- Fullscreen contact map support
- Styled typography and versatile page posts
- Custom Publish Type support for Food menus and Art galleries
- Wordpress custom menu support
- Weblog single publish and comments
- Guaranteed Timthumb instantly thumbnail support
- Google statistics support
- Mix Browser Compatibility
- Inconspicuous jQuery powered effects