SoftLight is really a wordpress blog theme with 5 differentes colors , blue, red-colored, eco-friendly, pink and yellow . suitable for IE 6 ,7,8 Opera , Safari, Chrome , Opera.
with Jquery Slider content , six 125px x 125px ad banners within the sidebar and three 180px x 100px in single publish . theme option plus much more.
Theme Feature
- 5 Colors.
- Valid XHTML &lifier CSS .
- PSD files personalization.
- Help Documentation include.
- Fixed layout
- Custom 404 error page
- 4 Template pages (Links,Sitemap,Archives,Full width)
- Wordpress 2.8.5 compatible
- Theme options page
- Widgetized sidebar
- Custom user login widget
- Custom login style
- Google Statistics ready
- Auto resizable pictures
- Social bookmark ready
- Advertisement ready
- Jquery ready
- Jquery Drop lower menu ( multilevel sub menu )
- DD_belatedPNG PNG fix ready
- Simplest Tooltip and Image Preview
- EasySlider1.7 content slider
The font utilized in the Logo design is “Black rose”
Because of “Boris Petkovic” for giving me the permission to make use of the backdrop